Hello! Thanks for your interest in The Sweet Goodbyes. After a couple years in the making, our duo is finally ready to share our songs with the world! In fact, we recently released our DEBUT ALBUM! Be sure to check back here often for news, videos and updates to our show calendar - including official CD release shows. For now, find us on Facebook or at an upcoming show...or enjoy a few videos of our live performances on our youtube channel. If you are interested in booking The Sweet Goodbyes, please contact us here. Thanks so much for your support!
Hello friends! We are thrilled to have been invited back to this year's Subdued Stringband Jamboree!!! We will be playing two sets on the Slanted Stage, Saturday evening in between the main stage acts. If you've never been out to the Jamboree - you don't want to miss out! The whole weekend is filled with amazing music, workshops, square dancing, food vendors and a super subdued family friendly vibe. Come hang out with us!
We are looking forward to some much needed family time now that school is out for our kiddos and spouses so there are just a handful of opportunities to catch us play this Summer. Nonetheless, we've got some awesome gigs coming up in the next few months. Be sure to check out schedule as we are still adding dates.
It's hard to believe that we are coming up on ONE YEAR since we launched our Kickstarter Campaign to fund our debut album. Our Facebook flashbacks keep reminding us of those long and glorious days in the studio last Spring and lucky for us, these two songwriters are still smitten with the baby we created together.
After a fairly quiet Winter focusing on our families and work, we are ready to get back into performance mode. We will be adding more Spring/Summer shows as they get confirmed - so be sure to check out our upcoming SHOWS frequently.
If you backed our Kickstarter Campaign or Pre-ordered an album, you should expect to receive your hard copy and/or digital download by next week! AND, if you want to get in on the action, you can order our album through CD Baby or pick it up at an upcoming show. Hope to see you soon. Thanks so much for your support!
Hey friends! Just a quick update to let you know that we have been busy finishing up recording in the studio - as of last week we are official DONE with the recording part of this project and we couldn't be happier! Michael Connolly at Empty Sea Studios did a fantastic job recording and co-producing this album. Now, he's busy mixing the tracks so that we can send it all off to mastering and duplication by mid-June! Meanwhile, we are also hustling getting our Kickstarter incentives together and rehearsing for summer release shows. Lastly, if you missed out on pre-ordering our album - you will have an opportunity shortly through our website to be one of the first to get it - check back often! Happy June!
Words cannot describe the feelings we have right now. We JUST hit our initial Kickstarter Goal!!!! This means, all of our minimum costs for this project are being FULLY FUNDED by YOU!!! No matter what happens from now until May 10th at 10am...this project is funded and you get your rewards and we get to deliver this album to you in JULY! Thank you thank YOU! In just 25 days, our community came together to pledge $7000 towards our debut album. We are bursting at the seams with gratitude. Seriously, what a great way to head into our last full weekend of recording in the studio.
So what do we do now?
Well, we still have 5 days to keep pushing - if you haven't made a pledge or if you'd like to up your current pledge, there's still time. If you haven't shared our campaign far and wide, please do. Or heck, share it again and again! We have some STRETCH GOALS and would LOVE to give this project as much love as possible.
These days it takes a little more than writing a good song, singing beautiful harmonies or being charming on stage to be heard. In order to really spread the music far and wide, you need to have a good PR campaign or risk having the album just sit in boxes in your basement. If we raise $8,500 or more in 30 days, we will be able to pay for a modest PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN, including PRESS, RADIO, and INTERNET PROMOTION. This will give the album a much better chance of getting reviews and airplay and being heard by a wider audience.
The Sweet Goodbyes would love to take this album on the road for some short regional tours in 2017. We have our instruments, our songs, interested venues and a vehicle but what we don't necessarily have is a whole lot of time and money or MERCHANDISE. Amber and Lisa are both self-employed (music teacher + mental health therapist) and also have families to support so it is important for us to do this thing we love but also not have it become too much of a burden on our families. Being gone for shows can be challenging enough as we juggle work and family schedules (not to mention cancelling a week's worth of music lessons or counseling appointments can put a serious dent in the monthly paycheck)..so, we are establishing STRETCH GOAL #2 at $10,000 to help get us ON THE ROAD and to help pay for some MERCHANDISE to have available at our shows. Who wouldn't love a SWEET GOODBYES bumper sticker, poster or T-shirt?!?!?
If we reach STRETCH GOAL #2 not only will you have a better chance of catching us play a live show near you and pick up some sweet merchandise, but ALL Kickstart Backers will receive an EXCLUSIVE REWARD of a BONUS song recorded in studio (but that we didn't have room for on the CD)!!!!
Whatcha think? Can you help us push through to the next level?? Let's do it!
Our fundraising show last Saturday at the Bellingham Center for Spiritual Living was a total success! We had a great crowd who generously donated over $1200 towards our Kickstarter Campaign. What a boost! We are overflowing with gratitude for everyone who is helping us make this dream come true. With just 6 days left in our campaign we are 91% funded....CHECK IT OUT! We feel very confident that we can reach our initial fundraising goal - and we are envisioning hitting one of our STRETCH GOALS too! Can you help us with this final push? Please share away and pre-order our album by making a pledge if you haven't done so already. Thank you!
We are blown away by the support we are receiving for our Kickstarter Campaign. We have $4300 in pledges and just 10 days left to raise the remaining $2700 to meet our minimum. Remember, this is an all or nothing thing. If we don't meet our goal - we don't get any of the pledges. This means, your credit card will NOT be charged until May 10th at 10am (assuming we meet our minimum goal of $7000). Please continue to share widely and if you have the means, give us a pledge? Thanks so much! Visit our Kickstarter Campaign HERE. In other news, we are heading back into the studio tomorrow for our 3rd recording day as we chip away at laying down the tracks for our album!
Wow! We are blown away by all of the support we have received so far on our Kickstarter Campaign! Thank you for all the sharing and the pledging! We are 1/4 of the way into our Kickstarter Campaign and we are now 25% funded!!! We have raised just over $1700 so far!
We are visualizing the momentum building and would love to see our campaign hit the half-way mark by the end of this week. Will you help us reach $3500? If you haven't pledged yet-do our stress levels a favor, and make that pledge now? No need to wait for pay day - remember, your card won't be charged until May 10th (as long as we reach our $7000 goal). Visit our Kickstarter Campaign HERE
We have been busy busy busy and so proud to officially launch our Kickstarter Campaign TODAY! We have just 30 days to meet our fundraising goals so WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please consider donating what you can to help us record and release our upcoming album...and PLEASE SHARE OUR CAMPAIGN with your friends and family! We won't be able to do this without you. Thank you so much!!
Hello friends! We are still buzzing after having just spent a very productive weekend at Empty Sea Studios in Seattle, WA. The tracks we are laying down are amazing and we couldn't be happier with the quality of production that our talented engineer Michael Connolly is helping us deliver. We cannot wait for you all to hear it!
We want to thank all of our early donors who made it possible for us to get this project off the ground before our Kickstarter Campaign begins. We wouldn't have been able to start recording without your help. Because of you, we raised over $2000 to cover 4.5 days in the studio! We currently have 6 days total set aside to finish up the recording end of the project. So, we are hoping to round up a few more studio day donors to help us cover the cost of the last couple days we have scheduled over the next month....we ONLY need $750 more to do this!!! Can you help sponsor one of our last days in the studio? More info here:
The Sweet Goodbyes will be playing two 30 minute sets during the festival. 1:50-2:20pm and 3:55-4:25. Come hang out with us for the day! Fun filled festival for the whole family! More info at:
We are thrilled to have been invited back to play this year's Subdued Stringband Jamboree!!! The Sweet Goodbyes will be on the Slanted Stage for two short sets at 5pm and 6pm. See you there!! More info at: http://www.stringbandjamboree.com/index.php
The Sweet Goodbyes will be playing a 30 minute set beginning at 12:30pm. Come check out the annual Mind, Body, Spirit Fair - a glorious gathering of those who support the healing and revealing of vibrant health and well-being for humans and animals. There are energy healers, merchants with products to support wellness, authors and speakers and more! More info @ http://mbsf.csl-bellingham.org/
Come enjoy a nice summer evening in the beer garden with us! We will be playing original tunes from 7-9:30pm. No cover! Tips greatly appreciated. More info @ http://www.stonesthrowbrewco.com/
We are super excited to be warming the stage for the soulful duo MaMuse! You seriously don't want to miss this show. It is sure to lift your spirits and get you dancing in your seat.
Join us for a lovely evening of local music. Open mic begins at 7:30pm. The Sweet Goodbyes are the featured performers for the evening and will be playing a 45 minute set around 8:30pm.
We are super excited to be returning to Backstage at the Border - a super sweet music series in Blaine, WA on Saturday, February 10th - 7-9pm. $7 donation at the door. More info here....http://www.backstageattheborder.com/
Join The Sweet Goodbyes for this special holiday appearance at the Downtown Food Coop. We will be playing music from our recently released album as well as a couple holiday songs too! Looking for a last minute gift? Come grab a CD or two at special holiday prices!
The Holiday Festival of the Arts is a five-week-long indoor arts festival featuring 100 artisans from our region. Aside from vendors selling their wares, the festival boasts live music and art workshops for children on the weekends. The Sweet Goodbyes will be playing music on Friday, December 15th from 5-6:30pm.
Join us for a lovely evening of local music. Open mic begins at 7:30pm. The Sweet Goodbyes are the featured performers for the evening and will be playing a 45 minute set around 8:30pm.
Don't miss out on this early show featuring a whole stage full of talented female musicians! The Sweet Goodbyes are teaming up with The Elopements for an evening of music. Each band will play two, 30 minute sets - and rumor has it they may even play a bit together.... Come down early for some grilled cheese and be home in bed before 10pm! :) $5 - 10 suggested donation at the door.
Join us for an evening of women's music. We will be playing a 20 minute set at 8pm. This cafe has amazing food and a great vibe. Come hang out with us!